Is it worth the hype? Is it all about convenience or does it have substance as a smart trainer alternative to direct drive units?
We have had the Kickr Rollr in our fleet for about 10 months. It comes in only two parts comprising the roller unit and the front section. The main spine bar is divided in two and easily slots into the other with only two screws to be tightened along with a grey handle which clamps the spine bar sections once the bike is placed onto the rollers and front wheel is sitting firmly on two v shaped holders.
When you lift the bike onto the Rollr the only thing to do is to turn the grey knob above the front wheel which closes two guides to secure the wheel. Then you are good to go.
The unit is a smart system which means that resistance is controlled by any online cycling app like @gozwift, @MyWhoosh, @fulgaz to name but a few. It comes with a power meter however reports are that it does not read accurately since the power derived only from the rear wheel which is rolling only and not like a direct drive unit like the a Kickr for example where the drivetrain of the bike generates consistent power readings. You can however use power pedals or a crank based power meter instead.
The ride feel is good and climbing and descending sensations are really good. You do feel the bite once you hit a climb.
The ease of use is really great. If you ride indoors and outdoors there is no messing about with changing out your rear wheel every time or no risk of forgetting to put in the disc brake spacer (believe me I've done it! This needs a trips to your LBS to push the brake calipers apart again).
It takes less than 10 seconds to set up your bike on the trainer which is awesome.
So is it worth the hype?
It is at a price point that compares to some of the not so top end direct drive trainers but that is not a negative. While sprinting out of the saddle you need to keep your weight towards the middle to back of the bike, definitely not a Mark Cavendish front end position as the back wheel will certainly loose traction. For the convenience and ride feel it gets our thumbs up 👍.
We welcome your feedback and comments. Thank you!